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Email Marketing Basics for Podcasters

So, you have a great podcast and quite a few listeners but what happens now? How do you get your content out to the right people? Well, that’s where promoting your podcast comes in and using the most effective strategies to communicate with your listeners and build a relationship with them.

When it comes to sharing your podcast out with the world there are several tactics and strategies to consider. Of course, there is always social media, blog posts, and even word of mouth. But we can’t forget about using email! If you’ve already built up an email list, then this strategy is key. It is the perfect way to let your listeners know when new podcast episodes come out so that they don’t miss a beat.

So before we get to why email marketing is beneficial for podcasters, let’s take a closer look at exactly what email marketing it!

What is email marketing?

Image by Camylla Battani

Email marketing is the concept of using your email newsletter to promote your products and/or services, in this case, your podcast. It is a form of internet marketing, a method most companies use to send out promotional messages or advertisements because it’s so cost-effective. But more importantly, it is used to build relationships with current and potential listeners and customers.

Building your email list is as simple as creating an opt-in on your website to allow listeners to subscribe to your email newsletter to make sure they stay up to date on a new podcast episode launch dates, what topics you will be discussed, and even guests to look forward to. With each email, you land directly in your listeners’ inbox and always stay top-of-mind.

What is some email marketing software?

Image by Austin Distel

Now that you know what email marketing is, you should understand that there are several different email marketing software options for you to choose from. These platforms allow you to easily manage your email list and send out well-crafted, beautifully designed emails to your subscribers.

Here is a brief overview of a few email marketing software platforms:


Mailchimp is an always-on marketing platform for small businesses. They make innovative, beautiful products that empower those businesses to find more customers. Their approach to marketing focuses on healthy contact management practices, beautifully designed campaigns, and powerful data analysis.


ConvertKit is an email marketing software for creators, built by creators. With ConvertKit, it’s easy to customize and embed forms on your website to turn podcast listeners into newsletter subscribers. If you don’t already have a website for your podcast, you can build a landing page with ConvertKit to start growing your email list today.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is an easy to use and beginner friendly email marketing platform. Their editor makes it easy to customize an email template and design professional, mobile-responsive emails that look great on every device. Their email marketing automation helps keep your audience engaged and enables you to build strong relationships with your listeners.

Other email marketing software platforms include AWeber, Drip, HubSpot, SendinBlue, Mailjet, GetResponse, and more!

Why is email marketing effective?

Image by Campaign Creators

Email marketing can be very effective for podcasters because it fits your budget. Whether you are starting out with the free plan on Mailchimp or the unlimited plan with ConvertKit, you can adjust your account and grow your budget as your list grows. Of course, when it comes to email marketing, it doesn’t matter what stage of the podcasting journey you are in. Whether you’ve just started your podcast or have been at it for a while, it’s never too early (or too late) to start building your email list!

In today’s world, most everyone has email – on their phones, laptops, tablets, you name it! Popping into your listeners’ inbox will give them the chance to hear from you wherever and whenever it suits them. Use your email marketing strategy to really get personal and build relationships with your listeners, letting them know how much you appreciate their support.

Related read: How to Use Your Email Newsletter to Grow Your Podcast

How can you monetize your podcast with email marketing?

Image by Kody Gautier

Podcasting can be incredibly rewarding, but just because it’s your passion doesn’t mean you should miss out on the opportunity to monetize your show and build up your revenue stream. As your podcast listenership grows, you can eventually offer your listers/subscribers a product that supplements the valuable content you provide on the show.

Not quite sure where to get started? Here are a few strategies for you to use to monetize your podcast using email marketing:

Sell a Product: As your listener base growth, your audience will start to become interested in buying products from you to add value to their podcasting experience. This can be something physical or digital, something your listeners will find of worth. Whether it is an online course, your book or even a small merchandise item (coffee mugs, pens, shirts) giving your audience something else to connect to is a great way to start monetizing your podcast.

Create Valuable Partnerships: If you are not yet ready to sell your own products, start by creating partnerships with brands that you talk about on your podcast and use in your daily life. Mention the brands or products in your email newsletter, offering discounts to your subscribers and building your own affiliate revenue.

Exclusive Memberships: As your audience grows, the potential to set up a membership platform becomes a great opportunity to increase your podcast revenue. When listeners sign up for a membership, they will get access to exclusive content and interaction with you inside the membership site. Use your email newsletter to let listeners know when membership spots will open for the year, and make sales for memberships in advance.

Receive Donations: Another popular way to monetize your podcast is through donations by using platforms such as Patreon. As your audience and fan-base grow, listeners will be grateful for the content you are providing and often look for ways that they can give back to the podcast. Let your subscribers know where they can make their donations by mentioning it in your podcast email newsletter.

Related read: How to Reach Out to a Potential Podcast Sponsor

Featured Image: Austin Distel

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