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Ep 93: What Is Multi-Track Audio?

When recording your podcast, you can either use single track or multi-track audio, and the choice you make depends on your situation. Single-track audio works best when recording a single audio source, but the moment you have more than one guest or perhaps conduct a remote interview, you should opt for multi-track if possible. Tune in and hear how this option can help you make a smoother-sounding product in situations when you need to record multiple audio sources! 

Key Points From This Episode: 

  • The difference between, and uses of, single versus multi-track recording. 
  • When there are multiple mics involved in a recording, multiple tracks should be used. 
  • Using multiple tracks with multiple mics for multiple guests allows for a better mastering 
  • process. 
  • Multi-track recording is also helpful when it comes to doing remote interviews. 

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