Podcasting can be an incredible community-building platform. Joining us today on Business Beyond the Mic is a man who is no stranger to the power of a podcast: Tim Traux. Tim is the host of The Nerd Room and the new podcast the Podcast Experience, as well as the owner of the incredible podcast conferencing company known as PodSummit. We’re thrilled to welcome him to discuss his podcasting journey and discover what he has learned along the way!
In our conversation, Tim opens up about how he turned his passion into a podcast, shares his podcasting ‘why’, and reminds us of the importance of innovation and experimentation. We also delve into the two different styles of podcasting that Tim has adopted and find out how he has created incredible, lasting friendships through his platforms. Tuning in, you’ll even learn how to measure your podcast success by more than just statistics!
Takeaways From This Episode:
Tim tells us about how his passion for pop culture and community-building inspired him to start The Nerd Room. He also introduces us to his new business, the PodSummit, which centers around podcast conferences and community in Canada specifically and has also led to the creation of his new podcast, the Podcast Experience.
Find out how Tim has evolved as a podcaster, the importance of being experimental with your podcasts, and how to apply your experience from your first podcast to a new one. Tim also tells us how he’s learned how to interview guests in a natural way and become a master podcast interviewer.
Pushing yourself out of the comfort zone of the “talking head’” style of podcasting can make you a better podcaster. Ask Tim, who has learned to adopt more than one podcasting style. He also tells us how ‘tugging on the thread’ can open your podcast up to be far more interesting.
The Nerd Room has created an incredible community of people, some of whom Tim even considers his best friends. The Nerd Room community was Tim’s anchor through the pandemic and he explains how it has completely changed his life.
Focusing on the metrics of your podcast and trying to measure your success in that way can be dangerous for your self-esteem (and not necessarily accurate). Instead, Tim chooses to place his focus on his ‘why’ and on the impact he makes on the community he is building.
Podcasting has increased Tim’s overall confidence in his life and business. He lets us in on his favorite remote recording platforms and how his failure to innovate quickly affected his podcast negatively. He also tells us his dreams for PodSummit and how they would scale if money were no object.
“The idea of The Nerd Room was always about community building. It was finding a place where we could express ourselves and find like-minded individuals to share in a passion.” — @thenerdrm [0:05:50]
“You have to be able to weave your way through three different opinions and also progress the podcast itself and what you’re talking about from topic to topic.” — @thenerdrm [0:14:14]
“Don’t be afraid to tug on that thread. There’s this idea that you pull on the thread and the sweater comes undone. That’s what you are trying to do as a host. You pull, pull, pull until it opens up, and then you got something completely different.” — @thenerdrm [0:18:02]
“I have been able to form very real relationships with people through the podcast. We’ve been able to experience and support each other through things like the pandemic.” — @thenerdrm [0:19:16]
Resources from Today’s Episode:
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