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Bonus: The Launch Story of Business Beyond the Mic with Carli van Heerden

In this special bonus episode of Business Beyond the Mic, we welcome guest host and resident Content Director at We Edit Podcasts, Jennay Horn. She joins us today to help Carli flip the script (and the mic) so that we can share more of the story behind Business Beyond the Mic with all of you!

We dive into the vision behind the show, the most surprising thing that Carli learned along the way, and the one thing she wishes someone had told her before getting started. We also get a sneak peek at some of the guests who will feature on the show, the topics we will cover, and key wisdom you’ll take away from future episodes. Stay tuned as we uncover Carli’s podcasting journey and all of the incredible lessons she has learned along the way!

Takeaways From This Episode:

In 2019, Carli first had the idea to share what she had learned working behind the scenes in a podcast. Flash forward to 2023, and she has brought Business Beyond the Mic to launch! The mission is simple: sit down with incredible podcasters and ask them to answer all your burning questions about podcasting.

When Carli first started podcasting, she didn’t expect to find such incredible inspiration and community along the way. This has quickly become the life force behind the podcast. Without a doubt, the hardest part of bringing the podcast to life has been building confidence as a self-proclaimed introvert and finding her voice as a podcaster. It gets better as you go along! As Carli says, it’s all part of the journey. 

One thing she wishes someone had told her before she started the podcast is to streamline her process! Having been on the receiving end of a finished product is very different from recording an episode from scratch. Carli recommends listening to each episode right then and there and doing everything in one go instead of three or four.

Every podcaster’s journey is unique. Carli is on a mission to ask the right questions to get the key takeaways from each guest’s journey so that you can implement them in your own. Business Beyond the Mic plays host to guests from all walks of life. From nutrition experts and lawyers to coaches, up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and big business names, she’s got you covered! 

The response to the podcast has been amazing! People have been so engaged, not only because they want to learn, but because they are interested in what Carli is doing and the goals she has set for herself on this journey. Seeing them cheer her on has been a real highlight for her.

Starting a podcast has enabled Carli to listen to other shows with a different perspective. She’s become interested in their interviewing techniques, catchphrases, and the questions they ask. Something she’s learned on her own journey is that anything can happen, and she has loved seeing how other hosts navigate this reality. 


“My mission – and what I want listeners to take away from every podcast is: what can they take from each of these guest’s journeys and apply it to their own podcasting journey?” — @carlivanheerden [0:11:01]

“Everybody can find their own rhythm when it comes to preparing yourself to calm those nerves and to feel like you’re ready for the conversation.” — @carlivanheerden [0:14:15]

“The moral of the story of these podcast fails is, number one, they are going to happen, and number two, it’s okay!” — @carlivanheerden [0:19:55]

Resources from Today’s Episode:

Jennay Horn on LinkedIn

We Edit Podcasts

Connect with Carli:

Business Beyond The Mic on Spotify 

Business Beyond The Mic on Apple Podcasts

Business Beyond The Mic on Instagram

Carli on Instagram 

Carli on X

We Edit Podcasts

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