Bad news: if you’re one of those who still thinks YouTube is just for cat videos and meme humor, you’re already out of touch. Sorry boomer.
While some still think of influencers and content creators as just a lower rung of celebrity, those in the know realize that they can credibly rival established figures on a range of subject matters.
Today, it’s understood that YouTube, TikTok and other platforms are filled with respected, genuine experts. If you want to do a deep dive on a certain subject matter, skip the library and go straight to YouTube’s library of content.
One could argue that this is a simple act of growing up.
It was only natural that as YouTube got older, the users who were there from the beginning grew up with it. This is why the platform’s evolution saw it go from a place of cat videos to content with real depth.
Content like ContraPoints.
ContraPoints and the art of the video essay
With over 1.8 million subscribers on her channel, Natalie Wynn aka ContraPoints has mastered the art of the video essay.
A philosopher for the quick-click generation, ContraPoints tackles issues that matter in a way that connects.

From tackling the trans rights debate to diving into the culture of incels and the deeper significance of pop culture’s obsession with opulence, some argue that labeling ContraPoints as a YouTuber is a disservice to her.
But we think this misunderstands just what - and how - YouTube and other podcasts or video platforms can be used.
Before the explosion of social media and platforms like YouTube, the mainstream media controlled who were the cultural voices of the day. From right-wing radio pundits to left-wing columnists, you could always find someone with views similar to yours - but they carefully selected voices on carefully curated platforms.
Now, commentators and critics can be anyone and come from anywhere - just like ContraPoints. YouTubers with niche knowledge and an innate understanding of how to serve content for people whose values align with theirs found a fast track to fame and credibility.
High concepts meet high-quality production

What ContraPoints embodies is the idea that YouTube and social media platforms are the amphitheater of today: filled with the latest entertainers, scholars, and the newest voices.
And, like an amphitheater, the trick is to know how to perform. ContraPoints hasn’t just won over fans with her provocative nature, she does so with panache.
Her videos are political and cultural, but done in a way that feels like modern day theater.
She is here to teach, to challenge, and to question, but does so with just as many amusing costume changes and visual effects as references to philosophers and academia. From Nicki Minaj to Nietzsche, it’s all done with a keen awareness of the audience.
Style meets substance: the theater of ContraPoints
There used to be an idea that style and substance were enemies. To be one, you couldn’t have the other.
But the merging of the two is part of ContraPoints’ genius. It shows a level of respect to the audience.
Like any great master of theater, ContraPoints knows that, if you want people to come back, give them something to come back for.
Shakespeare’s audiences knew what they were getting when they visited the Globe. Maria Callas wouldn’t have had fans lining in the streets if they didn’t expect quality at every performance. And ContraPoints has revived the video essay and reimagined philosophy in a way that keeps people returning in their millions.