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Online Podcast Events To “Attend” In 2020

The coronavirus has turned the world upside down. Life as we know it has changed. We’re homeschooling, Zooming, and running half-marathons in our homes. Sports matches have been postponed, music concerts have had to be canceled, and even some of the much-anticipated podcast events of the year have been affected. But just as music legends and sports stars have found alternative ways to keep us entertained during this time, there are many podcast events taking place online, giving us access to that much-desired content and those valuable connections with others in the industry. Podcasting is often a solo endeavor and can get a little lonely at times. And that’s why podcast events are so vital as you get to connect with others who love the industry as much as you do, and who have, more than likely, faced many of the same challenges as you and your show. Now, more than ever, while we are physically separated from others, these online events can provide us with those much-needed connections, besides all that valuable content they provide. So get your calendars ready as you’re not going to want to miss attending these amazing online podcast events!

1. House Sessions by We Are Podcast

From the 21st to the 23rd of May, We Are Podcast is hosting the world’s first multi-stream, multi-speaker, multi-day live virtual podcast conference and networking event. It’s got a dazzling array of speakers, including Libsyn’s Dave Jackson, Podnews’ James Cridland, Jordan Harbinger, Melissa Ambrosini, as well as Hal Elrod, to name but a few! In actual fact, there will be more than 50 of the world’s most accomplished podcasters, marketers, and entrepreneurs armed and ready to share stellar strategies along with their tricks and tools of the trade. It promises to be a great place to meet brilliant experts in the field and fill up your inspiration and motivation tanks. If you were lucky enough to score a ticket, you’ll have the chance to build relationships with other people as passionate about podcasting as you are. You’ll glean some of the best strategies from top podcasters, which is especially important now as we try to navigate all that we’re currently dealing with. Unfortunately, tickets to this current conference are no longer available, but it’s definitely worth heading over to the website to keep an eye out for the next event! With all that’s on offer, you won’t want to miss it!   

2. The Future of Podcasting

On May 28, 2020, you can get all geared up to attend another virtual conference, The Future of Podcasting. This online event is jam-packed with a line-up of some of the industry’s top names. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned professional podcast host, a producer, or just a podcast enthusiast, this event is the place to be, metaphorically speaking. The topics range from influencer podcasting and corporate podcasting storytelling to SEO discovery dynamic ad insertions for monetization. The stellar line-up includes James Cridland, Podcast Futurologist, and Editor of Podnews; Jason Phipps, Commissioning Editor of Podcasts for BBC Sounds; as well as Bradley Davis, the CEO, and Founder of There’s even a surprise entertainment guest on the schedule! Ticket prices range from $15-$25 (the Super Early Bird tickets have already sold out!) and with all the amazing sessions available, the remaining tickets are sure to sell out fast!  

3. PodUk Goes Digital

Mark May 30th in your calendars and bullet journals as the day you’re “attending” PodUK Goes Digital. The PodUK events have been branded as the “ComicCon for podcasters” and they pride themselves on being a celebration of all things podcasting and which aim to put podcast fans and fandoms front and center. Keeping this vision going strong, PodUK Goes Digital has a great line-up of live shows, panels, and interviews from your favorite podcasters which will be live-streamed via PodUK’s Twitch channel. There will also be virtual workshops hosted on the official PodUK Discord Server. And while the event is free to attend, there will also be fundraising for the Birmingham Community Health Care Charity, which does terrific work for the Birmingham community. So not only are online podcasting events being held to boost your podcasting know-how, but they are also giving back to those on the front lines fighting against COVID-19. Some of the names lined up for the event include Amanda McLoughlin and Eric Silver from Multitude Productions, as well as the talented voices which bring us Potterless and Mission to Zyxx. This is definitely an event not to be missed!

4. Independent Podcast Conference

May 30th has to be circled on your calendar for a second time as it is also the date for the Independent Podcast Conference. A few such conferences have already been held, with the replay of the most recent conference, titled Community Building for Podcasting, still available for viewing on the website. The next installment’s heading is Podcasting to Video, and promises to be just as chock-full of valuable content as the previous offering. Best of all, this conference is totally free! The Independent Podcast Conference is a place for indie podcasters, hosted by indie podcasters, and is a really welcoming space to form connections, gain inspiration, and learn so much from people who have faced the same challenges you may be facing with your indie podcast. It’s a great place to garner support, learn a whole lot, and have a whole lot of fun doing it!

5. Utah Podcast Summit

From the 12th to the 13th of June, 2020, the Utah Podcast Summit is hosting a not-just-for-Utah virtual conference. The two-day conference will provide podcasters with the opportunities to connect directly with other podcast hosts and speakers. Tickets cost $47 and will also gain you access to all the recorded talks from the entire Summit! There is a great line-up of speakers, including Dave Jackson of The School of Podcasting as one of the keynote speakers. Besides getting to hear from the great spread of speakers, the organizers are also creating amazing opportunities for the attendees to connect and interact during the Summit. There’s the Hall of Experts where you can get all sorts of advice pertaining to aspects of your show. You’ll get to schedule time with an industry expert who can give you advice and steer you in the right direction. There are also Networking Hours, which will be virtual rooms set up throughout the conference, and through which, according to your interests, you will be set up with one-on-one connections and curated networking groups, ensuring that you will get everything and more from this conference. 

6. Podthon: A Virtual Summit for Podcasters 

Between July 18-19, 2020, the second annual Podthon will be the virtual place to be. The event is set to showcase 20 speakers at all levels of the independent podcasting industry. Podthon is the brainchild of the Asian American Podcasters Association and Women of Color Podcasters. One mission they aim to achieve with these events is to encourage more people of color to become speakers and to cultivate a platform where their voices can be heard across the stages of the world. This summit promises to be an inclusive place where podcasters can learn from and connect with thought leaders in the podcasting community. A Podthon ’20 ticket will cost you $75 and gains you access to 18-20 exclusive presentations as well as creating the opportunities to connect with each speaker during the Live Q & A sessions. If you’re looking for even more content, for $54.99 you can purchase access to all of last year’s sessions, and you’ll also receive bonus episodes and bonus worksheets. This summit is sure to leave you filled to overflowing with new knowledge, new ideas, and renewed motivation to keep doing what you love!

7. Outlier Podcast Festival

It must be said upfront that the online the Outlier Podcast Festival’s Virtual Summit has already taken place [insert sad face here]. BUT there’s no need to fret because you can still get access to replays of all the amazing sessions! And you should definitely consider doing so! The Outlier Podcast Festival is a space that inspires podcasters and podcast enthusiasts alike and provides ample opportunity for networking. Now you may think that this would not be as effective in the virtual world, but all reports from this event raved about how personal and intimate these online sessions were. In a sense, the virtual event made attendees feel like they were actually getting ono-on-one guidance and input from the speakers – a true testament to just how successful online podcast events could be in the future. The full list of impressive speakers and the entire schedule is available on the Outlier website and, as was mentioned already, you can still purchase access to all of the recordings. And it gets better! The organizers decided to make Outlier Podcast Festival Virtual Summit even more accessible during these trying economic times by making the ticket prices a pay-what-you-can arrangement, giving everyone the opportunity to benefit from their amazing array of speakers. Definitely keep an eye out for more of their virtual events! 

8. CrimeCon @ Home

Okay, so this one is not primarily focused on podcasts, but the True Crime genre is such a huge part of the podcasting industry, we think it deserves a mention. And thanks to CrimeCon @ Home, this is another event we can attend! CrimeCon @ Home is a free online streaming event allowing us to enjoy all the best features of CrimeCon all from the comfort of our couches. It’s just over two hours of all the fascinating stories, real-life experiences, and expert insights from the world of True Crime. These events are known for their great mix of entertainment and educational value, and the organizers have put together a vast and varied lineup and you’ll get to hear from some top names and famous faces in the industry. So if you’re hooked on your True Crime podcasts, you will have a great time with CrimeCon @ Home.

Closing Thoughts

Podcast events are a fantastic way to make and strengthen connections, garner inspiration, and just be a part of all that is taking place in the podcasting industry the world over. And just because the pandemic has put a stop to in-person group meetings and large gatherings, for the time being, the wonder that is technology enables us to stay connected to others in the industry and allows us to keep learning and growing from the greats in the field. With organizers making these online events available, we are able to reap the benefits these events yield, all from the safety of our own homes. So mark the dates on your calendar, get your notebooks ready, and prepare to take in tons of valuable content to help you on your podcasting journey!   

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