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Ep 121: What Are Some Tips for Creating Podcast Artwork?

When thinking about your podcast artwork, there are a few simple steps that can help you hit the right marks. The first thing is to make sure you include the title in the artwork so that it can stand alone. You will also probably want to decide and stick to a theme and aesthetic, and this means choices around colors, fonts, and the kinds of imagery you use. The main thing is to communicate what your podcast is about, and to try and grab people’s attention, so make those priorities, when you are working on it. Other important considerations are the format, and dimensions, as these will have bearing on how it is displayed and compatibility with streaming sites. Tune in to hear it all!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • There are a few essentials that must be included in artwork, most notably the title. 
  • You will probably want to stick to a theme in terms of color, font, and imagery. 
  • You can be creative with it; there are no hard and fast rules!
  • Priorities should be to grab attention and communicate what your show is about. 
  • Take note of the dimensions and file type of your podcast artwork! 

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